Its Time To Present Your Firm to the World
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Complete Website Development
We can create a new website for your law firm that showcases your area of expertise, awards and accomplishments. It will give each potential new client a good impression of your firm. If you have an existing website, we can make suggestions and provide feedback on how to make it better and convert more leads into sales. For more established law firms we can also create mini websites designed to generate targeted leads specific to the counties you serve.
SEO Services
Search engine optimization helps get your website ranked higher in organic search results. This is something that is recommended to do for a minimum of 3 months but for best results 6-9 months.
Start to Finish Sales Consulting
We can help create a sales strategy that starts with an optimized website which leads to a new inquiry and ends with a new client to your firm. Having a sales strategy is key to the success of converting leads into sales. We will showcase what makes your lawyers stand out. If you are the only lawyer in your firm we can provide insight into the best sales strategies to help sell your servies more effectively.
Professional Pay Per Click Management
We never recommend running pay per click ads without a professional managing it. There are many tricks of the trade that we have learned throughout the years to significantly improve results. We run Google ads and Bing ads in expert mode to have more control over who sees your ads and how they display.
Legal Writing
We can write content for your website that is related to the area of law that your firm practices. We create landing pages that outline specific legal issues your clients are searching for. This drastically improves conversion rates on leads that come in. We can also create a legal blog that provides general information (not legal advice) about matters that are commonly searched for in search engines.
We Help Law Firms Nationwide
If your firm is located in the United States, we can help it grow. We are located in Illinois but can zoom with your team and share screens to put together a sales strategy.